Name is the Key
Name is the Key
The Power of Names
Numerology suggests that your name can influence your success. Consider whether your name (and your children's names) align with numerological principles.
Weak Name Spellings in Numerology
Numerology suggests that your name can influence your success. Consider whether your name (and your children's names) align with numerological principles.
Weak Name Spellings in Numerology
Numbers 4 & 8: These numbers may clash with your numerological birth number, potentially creating obstacles. Exceptions to those born in these numbers
Names adding to Weak Numbers: Names adding to certain numbers like 12,16,25,30 etc are considered weak and will not deliver good results
Weak Calling Name: Even if your full name is strong numerologically, a weak calling name (often a nickname) might negate those benefits.
Possible Results of a badly spelled name
Business losses or failures
Marital problems
Health issues
Difficulty in exams
Development of bad habits
Irritable behavior
Involvement in criminal activities (in extreme cases)